The College started in January 1978 as the Federal Freshwater Fisheries School under the aegis of Kainji Lake Research Institute (KLRI) and was initially located at a temporary site in Shagunu.The Occasion of the 30th anniversary of the College offers the opportunity of examining the environmental factors that influence the College from the inception. This includes the Borgu Local Government where the College is located, the National Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Research where the College emanated and the Power Holding Company of Nigeria PLC which was the primary purpose of building the Kainji Dam which led to the siting of the Institute and the Lake in New Bussa.

The reorganization of the Research Institutes in 1987 also had a profound effect on the Colleges within the Institute. Kainji Lake Research Institute a multi-disciplinary research institute became a single commodity (Fisheries) Institute. The College name also changed subsequently from the Federal Freshwater Fisheries School to Federal College of Freshwater Fisheries Technology in line with similar Colleges of Technology in the agricultural sub-sector. FCFFT, New-Bussa became self-accounting from January 1989. This enabled the College Management to fund projects directly as the need arose. The result was that the deficiencies identified by NBTE were corrected before their visitation and this greatly enhanced successful accreditation of the courses in the College henceforth.

The Vision

To be a role Model for Fisheries, agricultural, and allied tertiary institutions in Nigeria by developing highly intellectual, skilled, Creative and self-employable individuals through modern Scientific, technological, Research and development (R&D) and teaching methods for the enhancement of Socio-economic and Political growth towards the attainment of the National Development Goals.

The Mission

To be the leading tertiary educational Institution in Nigeria for research, training and entrepreneurial development of Senior, middle level and junior level man Power that will be Proficient in Fisheries, Food, Agricultural Technology, Hospitalities and allied disciplines to meet the National demand for food security.

The Mandate

The key mandates of Federal College of Freshwater Fisheries Technology (FCFFT), New Bussa are to:

  • Train Junior Intermediate and senior Fisheries Personnel for Inland Fisheries development through short and long term formal Education;
  • Train and retrain middle level Manpower in Aquaculture Technology
  • Encourage Women participation in Fisheries through post-harvest technology
  • Train Food technicians, Technologists and Chemical analysts in carrying out preservation processing packaging, Storage and marketing of Food commodities and equipment.
  • Train Agricultural Extension Technicians to carry out extension work among rural farmers and Fisher Folks
  • Organizing Agricultural Co-operative and exhibitions, marketing of farm produce, Tools, equipment and assisting in Agricultural Management Research;
  • Train Agricultural Technicians capable of Appling modern farming techniques in direct agricultural production;
  • Train Caterers who are capable of producing acceptable Local and continental dishes as well as hoteliers for managing the hospitality industry.

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